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Petrov V.O. Genres of Mass Instrumental Performance

Abstract: The subject of the research is one of the most popular contemporary genres of music composing, the genre of instrumental theatre. The author of the article examines the variety of mass instrumental performance  such as 1) compositions when an instrumentalist (leading performer, character) opposes to the orchestra or band (individual is personified, contrasts or conflicts with the other participants which namely typical for pieces written for a leading performer and orchestra);  2) pieces when a number of instrumentalists (leading performers, characters) have their personification and enter into relationship with the orchestra, band or one another, 3) pieces when personification is not an individual feature (of a instrumentalist or leading performer) but the feature of a group of instruments, parts of the orchestra, which allows to achieve the theatre stage effect  of "mass confrontation". Mass instrumental performance is viewed as an integral phenomenon, therefore the author of the article has applied the method of the integral analysis of the phenomenon. The result of this research is the description of specific relations between dramaturgic layers in the process of mass instrumental performances (musical, behavioral, visual, verbal, etc.). It is noted that the presence of these layers, on the one hand, encourages a more basic understanding of music (dramaturgic comparison of layers reveals the essence of music through the behavior of instrumentalists on stage, their visual appearance and/or the use of the word), and on the other hand, withdraws music from the traditional performance of compositions which attracts the attention of a larger audience.


synthesis of the arts, music, instrumental theatre, postmodernism, musical actionism, genre, synesthesia, performance, dramaturgy, scene, stage

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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