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Sineokiy O.V. 'Tape Recording Community' and 'Sound Writers Union' in the Soviet System of Rock Music Recording

Abstract: In his article Sineokiy presents the results of his research devoted to the social process of rock music recording as a youth subcultural phenomenon in the second half of the XX century. The subject of the research is the socio-communicative conditions of formation and development of the tape recording community as part of the history of Soviet youth subcultures in the 1970-80's. The purpose of the research is to conduct a retrospective study of the tape recording culture, i.e. the culture of home music rewriting in the USSR. In general, the Soviet youth subculture was a complex combination of different social groups, both interrelated and autonomous ones, where the passion for rock music occupied a central position. The author of the article examines the content and dynamics of the sociocommunicative component in the development of informal entities of the Soviet youth who were interested in collecting records and music tape recordings. Thereupon the author pays particular attention to the analysis of the social infrastructure of The Tape Recording Community in terms of recreational functions of record collecting. The images of 'Sound Writers' as part of the expansion of the socio-cultural scope of the term 'Magizdat' are characterized. The location of recording studios in the mass media and their organizational role during the consumption of the phonographic products are revealed. The interdisciplinary nature of the scientific description of the phenomenon of The Tape Recording Community led to the use of various human science methods in the present research. The phenomenon of tape recording subculture is characterized as part of the mass recording formed under socialism. The definition of the term Taping Subculture is substantiated. The similarity of the positions in this case has a syntactical nature. The phenomenon of Musical Recording Subculture as a complex cluster of spheres of social and cultural communication that formed stable interdependence rules and principles of the phonographic and record collecting cultures are presented. The hypothesis, according to which The Tape Recording Community was an important element of multichannel polysubcultural communication in the USSR both legally and illegally in the sphere of music is proved.


collectors, sound recording, studios, music, rock, record collecting, subculture

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