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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Kalabekova S.V. Range of Values in the Age of Consumerism

Abstract: The object of the research is consumerism and the subject of the research is the values of a consumer society. The authorof the article considers the reasons leading to revaluation of cultural standards and ethical attitudes. She also traces back the dependence of the system of values on factors of various degree of influence – political, social-stratification and ideological ones. Special attention is paid to the role of economic and market mechanisms giving other contents and development directions to the existing values. The author shows the impact of postmodernist views on the development of individual and collective values. In view of the special importance of the problem the author emphasizes the need for further researches in this area. The methodological instruments used by the author include historical, dialectic and systems approaches as well as the problem analysis from the point of view of the unity of all elements. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the author makes a statement about the dependence of the system of values on conditions of social practice and dominating world views. The analysis of these problems allow to come to following conclusions: 1) ethical attitudes of the age of postmodernism demands an all-round study involving all branches of contemporary knowledge; 2) the analysis of the conditions that lead to the creation of pseudo-value is especially important. 


brand, value, simulacrum, demonstrative consumption, pragmatism, consumerism, consumer society, postmodernism, simulation, trend

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