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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Popov E.A. Sociology and Psychology in the Situation of Interdisciplinary Interaction of Sciences and Branches of Knowledge

Abstract: The object of the present research article is the situation of interdisciplinary interaction of sciences and branches of knowledge, the subject of the research is the interaction between contemporary psychology and sociology. The focus is made on the development of the unified strategy of such integration. Within the framework of this development strategy, special place is given to the science consumptive status of a particular sphere of knowledge, obervation of the principles of scientific rigour and implementation of sociocultural resources. The fact that both psychology and sociology follow this strategy considerably increases their potential for interdisciplinary interaction not only with each other but also with the other branches of knowledge. As a rule, interdisciplinary interaction of sciences and branches of knowledge involves the system analysis of the problem. This is the system approach that defines the nature of the integration of sciences, all the more so that both psychology and sociology belong to sociohumanitarian knowledge. The following provisions have been recognized as the main conclusions of the research: 1) sociology and psychology are close spheres of knowledge both in terms of their scientific status and science-consumptive specifics; 2) particular method or research methodology is what brings sociology and psychology close to each other; 3) both psychology and sociology use an integrated analysis of the phenomena and processes of social reality. 


social knowledge, cognition, integration of sciences, system analysis, sociology, psychology, society, methodology, science, sociohumanitarian knowledge

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