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National Security

Larionov A.Yu. The system of indexes of usage of primary assets and facilities for the purpose of forecasting and determining occupational hazards

Abstract: The subject of this research is the railroad transportation companies and the tasks of forecasting and determining occupational hazards that are based on the system of indexes of using primary assets and facilities. The author gives a detailed examination to such aspects of the topic as achieving priority strategic goals of development of national economy thorough proper level of development of transportation infrastructure. A special attention is given to such problems of railroad transportation as low technical level of maintenance base of primary assets and facilities and unsatisfactory condition of its operational and productive base. The conducted research allowed the author to make the conclusion on the fact that cutbacks in construction and reconstruction of infrastructure objects on the Russian railways, as well as the rate of renovation and replenishment of depots with newer equipment contribute to a significant degradation of technical state and their functionality. Thus, as the most optimal means for increasing efficiency of the railroad transportation the author proposes a system of forecasting and determining occupational hazards that is based on the indexes of usage of primary assets and facilities.


Primary assets and facilities, Indexes, Wear, Railroad transportation, Infrastructure, Occupational hazard, Construction, Performance, Russian Railways, Technical state

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