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Administrative and municipal law
Goryan E.V. (2015). Formation of subzones of special economic zones in the USA. Administrative and municipal law, 10, 1029–1038.
Goryan E.V. Formation of subzones of special economic zones in the USAAbstract: The subject of the research is a subzone of a special economic zone in the USA. The model of a special economic zone in the USA has been improving for 80 years, and it is one of the best in the world. The institution of a subzone is of a special scientific and practical interest since it gives the opportunity to apply this regime not only to a territory, but also to an enterprise (industrial complex). The author studies one of the main judicial precedents which had defined the main features of a subzone and influenced their widespread use in the USA. Along with general and specific methods of scientific cognition, the author applies the comparative-legal method which allows defining the main features of this institution, typical for different legal systems. The necessity to discuss the possibility of use of subzones is undoubtful since the existing Russian model of a special economic zone doesn’t provide the opportunity to take an active position in the global economic system. The author suggests using the American model as an example. As the subzone’s status is granted mainly to enterprises (industrial complexes), any enterprise which is not a part of a special economic zone can use the preferences and privileges of a “common” special economic zone and develop production. This issue should be studied and considered not only from the viewpoint of foreign economic activity regulation, but also from the viewpoint of administrative, municipal and customs law. Keywords: industry, international treaty, judgement, international trade, precedent, subzone, special economic zone, management, lighter transportation, custom duties
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