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Trends and management
Fedulin A.A., Sakharchuk E.S., Lebedev K.A. (2015). Forming the potential for development of tourist businesses. Trends and management, 3, 288–293.
Fedulin A.A., Sakharchuk E.S., Lebedev K.A. Forming the potential for development of tourist businessesAbstract: The progress to achievement steady development of the tourism industry heavily depends on its complex methodological maintenance as a system, by model formats of steady development of society. Planning during the process of strategic management of development of tourism is related to forecasting and taking projections of possible future events into consideration, taking into account the bearing capacities, as well as preparations for strategic changes. The subject of this work is the process of formation of potential of development of subjects in tourist business; the purpose of this work is to develop recommendations on forming the potential for development for tourist businesses. The methodological basis of this research includes: methods of the analysis and synthesis, scientific abstraction, functional analysis, logic method, synthetic method. The authors prove that standards of steady development of tourism are closely dependent on the technique of estimating the admissibility of the changes in the environment in relation to the legal base in terms of measuring damage caused by tourists to the local population and the environment. It is determined that a successful tourist business depends on skilled administration of organization and service - which is based upon the economic substantiation of the program of providing and implementing tourist product and tourist services. Keywords: standarts, international process, efficiency, steady development, methodological maintenance, tourism, environment, forecasting, destination, state level
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