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Pedagogy and education

Mal'tseva T.E. Conceptual Approaches to the Definition of Socio-Professional Subjectivity of Future Social Workers with Socio-Functional Differences

Abstract: The object of the present research is the future social workers with socio-functioinal differences, the subject of the research is the definiton of the term 'socio-professional subjectivity'. For the first time in the academic literature the author introduces a scientific term 'socio-professional subjectivity' which has been predetermined by the need to provide for higher education of a special category of social customers, i.e. people with socio-functional differences. The latter is also a new term offered by the author of the article in order to describe a special group of social customers. According to the author, people with socio-functional differences present a high potential for social work with various groups of clients. The definition of 'socio-professional subjectivity' is introduced based on a suppletive method that reflects mutual convergence and confluence of a number of elements, i.e. subjectivity, social subjectivity and professional subjectivity. The main result of the present research is the generalization of conceptual approaches to the definition of socio-professional subjectivity of future social workers with socio-functional differences. The author underlines their binary nature and emphasize the fact that they can be viewed both as the process of professional socialization and important aspect of social work that reflects social policy of the government. 


actor, identity crisis, socio-professional subjectivity, professional subjectivity, social subjectivity, subjectivity, socio-functional differences, personal growth, self-development, identity

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