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Pedagogy and education

Glazova Yu.V. Technology of Writing Projects and Pedagogical Conditions for Its Successful Implementation in the Process of Improving Student's Educational Independence

Abstract: The object of the research is the development of educational independence of college students. The subject of the research is the pedagogical conditions for implementatino of the technology of writing projects for the purpose of improving educational independence of students. The author of the article differentiates between learning (only academic) and educational (academic and up-bringing) components of student's independence. Based on such division, the author offers to add new methods and means to encourage student's self-improvement and self-education. The technology of writing projects and pedagogical conditions described by the author in this article allow to develop student's educational independence taking into account moral values of the society. Such 'project' technology of developing student's educational independence was created by the author based on the activity, personality-oriented and axiological approaches. These approaches allow to describe subject-subject relations in the process of creating projects, moreover, axiological approach orients students at general human, national and personal values. The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that until now researchers have mostly viewed the academic aspect of student's independence. However, today the majority of students are capable of demonstrating a high level of educational activity and independence, for example, when working with information, and at the same time may be unable to differentiate between negative information and useful information. According to the author of the article, the aforesaid technology of writing projects considering the described pedagogical conditions allow to reduce the risks of negative consequences of student's independent activity when they focus only on academic achievements.  


learning independence, educational independence, project technology, adequate self-esteem, vitagenic activity, motives of project activity, learning in cooperation, moral values, axiological approach, professional values

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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