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Pedagogy and education
Levin V.I. (2015). Michael Lvovich Tsetlin and Development of Cybernetics in the USSR. Pedagogy and education, 2, 140–149.
Levin V.I. Michael Lvovich Tsetlin and Development of Cybernetics in the USSRAbstract: In this article the scientific biography of the outstanding Soviet scientist, engineer and organizer of science, one of the founders of cybernetics Michael L. Tsetlin is considered. The stages of his biography and scientific creativity and the influence on him of the family, relatives, friends and colleagues are identified. The author of the article provides an overview of the main discoveries of Michael L. Tsetlin in science (mathematics, theoretical physics, the theory of control systems, electronic instrumentation, cybernetics, biology and medicine, prosthetics, automation modeling of social, economic and biological systems). The scientific-organizational and pedagogical activity and his influence on the development of Soviet and world science and technology are analyzed. The main qualities of Michael L. Tsetlin as a scientist, a man and a citizen and his great influence on young scientists are described in detail. The basis of this research consists of the published and unpublished memoirs of colleagues of Michael L. Tsetlin, members of his family and friends, as well as memories of the author himself. For the first time in the academic literature the author brings together evaluations of different sides of life and activity of Michael L. Tseltin such as scientific, engineering, organizational, teaching, social activities, etc. Personal expressions of Michael L. Tsetlin are also used. The author of the article shows that Michael L. Tsetlin was one of the founders of cybernetics in the USSR. Keywords: modelling, automation devices, medicine, biology, control systems, scientific biography, Michael Lvovich Tsetlin, science organization, cybernetics, personality of scientist
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