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Police activity

Saidov Z.A. Administrative (police) enforcement and incentives in the sphere of regulation of the economy

Abstract: The subject of the article is the range of legal and organizational problems of administrative-legal regulation of application of measures of compulsion and stimulation in the sphere of economics. The author carries out the theoretical and legal analysis of the concepts of legal regulation of economic relations from the position of administrative-legal regulation. The article presents the author’s positions on the concept of government regulation of the economy. Special attention is paid to the development of methods and methodology of administrative-legal regulation of economic relations. The author also carries out the theoretical and legal analysis of the notions of concepts of law and economy development in the current conditions. The article describes the author’s positions on the interpretation and legal regulation of these categories. The methodological base of the article comprises the recent achievements of epistemology. The author applies the general philosophical and theoretical methods (dialectics, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation, modeling), the traditional legal methods (formal logical) and the methods of special sociological research (the statistical methods, expert assessments, etc.). The author concludes that recently, in order to provide legality in the economic sphere, it is necessary to improve the forms and methods of administrative-legal regulation of the economy. The main contribution of the author is the conclusion about the necessity to develop administrative-legal regulation of economic safety. The novelty of the article lies in the suggestions about the development of forms and methods of government regulation of the economy, and the provision of legal and organizational guarantees of legality in Russia’s economy. 


development, stimulation, incentives, regulation, law, economy, impact, police, market, finance

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