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Politics and Society

Radikov I.V. Statehood and Citizenship as Basic Concepts of Russian Political Education

Abstract: The object of the research is civil and political education in Russia, while the subject of the research are the features of formation of the qualities of statehood and citizenship as fundamental origins of political education. These concepts are a result of construction of social and political meanings and their domesticatiom in the public consciousness. Their formation is influenced by both spontaneous indirect mechanisms and by the purposeful process of political education. The author proceeds with an assumption that the role of political education lies in the fact that it forms potentially active citizens, who possess “influence reserves”. Special emphasis is put on the necessity to bring up “strong personalities” — citizens of the country who are characterised by the feeling of ethnic and national identity, statehood and patriotism. The problems of formation of the political education system in Russia are studied based on empirical methods: qualitative and quantitative analysis of the data of sociological research and documents. The main conclusion of the paper study is the statement about the lack and often imitational nature of civil, political and patriotic education and upbringing in Russia, especially among the young generation , and the need to comprehensively alternate the whole system of civil and political education in the country in all its social institutions.   


national and state identity, strong state, citizenship, statehood, civil education, political education, patriotism, state, education, civil servant

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