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Politics and Society

Ippolitov V.A. Komsomol Members in Kolkhozes: contradictory results of the activities in the first half of the 1930-s

Abstract: The article analyses the activity of the provincial Komsomol organisations in the sphere of strengthening of kolkhozes in the first half of the 1930-s. The following activities of the members of the communistic union of youth are considered: development of crop agriculture and animal husbandry, socialist competition, cleansings of kolkhozes from "alien" elements. Unpublished archival materials from the funds of the State Archive of Socio-political History of the Tambov Region (SASPHTR) became the main sources for article. In the history of Komsomol of this low-studied period the author sees both the huge creative capacity of Komsomol, and also opposing features of activity. The basis for the study of historical Komsomol problems was the theory of governmentalisation of Komsomol, according to which Komsomol is considered as a peculiar Soviet "ministry of youth", a linchpin between the state and the youth. Scientific novelty of the article lies in the reconsideration of the role of provincial Komsomol in the development of the kolkhoz system in the beginning of 1930-s. As a result of the research the author comes to a conclusion that Komsomol members played a significant role in consolidation of the kolkhoz system. In general, the results of the activity of the All-Union Leninist Young Communist League organisations in the villages were ambiguous: along with useful undertakings there were also cleansings, whistleblowing and extremist behaviour.


socialist competition, animal husbandry, cleansing, collectivisation, Communist Party, Komsomol, kolkhoz, history, light cavalry, youth

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