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Politics and Society

Zanko T.A. The Principles of Transformation of Federal Executive Bodies

Abstract: The article formulates and justifies the principles that should be applied to the transformations of the system and structure of federal executive bodies. Particular emphasis in the article is made on the need for legislative reinforcement of the system and structure of federal executive bodies and, therefore, the principles of their transformation. Thus, the principles of the transformation should become: legitimacy, federalism, centralisation and decentralisation, priority of the rights and freedoms of man and the citizen, democracy, transparency and openness, reasonableness, rationality, efficiency, resource prosperity, expediency, preservation of human capacity, legal succession, stability and integrity. The study uses formal-legal, structural-functional and historical methods that give scientific basis for the principles of transformation of the system and structure of federal executive bodies. The formulated principles should not just be proclaimed and formalised in legislation, they should also be applied comprehensively (due to their interconnectedness and interdependence), become a real direction for action during reforms, objectify the process of the transformation of the system and structure of federal executive bodies.


federalism, legitimacy, principles, executive branch, public administration, administrative reform, efficiency, ministry, agency, service

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