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Law and Politics

Saidov Z.A. Doctrinal foundations of the administrative legal regulation of the modern Russian economy

Abstract: The subject of this research is the problems of legal and organizational nature, pertaining to administrative legal regulation of modern economy. The author conducts a detailed theoretical legal analysis of the concepts of legal regulation of economic relations from the position of administrative legal regulation of government and non-government sectors of economy. A special attention is given to development of methods and methodology of administrative legal influence upon economic relations. The article also offers the theoretical legal analysis of the notions of concept of development of law and economy under modern circumstances. The scientific novelty consists in author’s proposals on development of forms and methods of government regulation of economy, as well as creation of legal and organizational guarantees of legality within Russian economy. The main conclusion is that to ensure order in the economic sphere is it necessary to improve the forms and methods of administrative legal effect upon the government and non-government sectors of the economy of the Russian Federation.


money, reform, liberal, Russian economy, regulation, economy, doctrine, strategy, development, science

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