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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Fedorov A.V. International Legal Regulation of Issues of Criminal Liability of Legal Persons

Abstract: The article deals with the provisions of international treaties providing the establishment of criminal liability of legal persons by countries – participants. At the same time the attention is drawn to the origins of international treaties providing criminal liability of legal persons, it is shown that the establishment of criminal liability of legal persons in a number of states in which the application of this institute has shown its effectiveness was preceded by the adoption of such international treaties. The classification of such contracts is presented. The urgency of consideration of international requirements on the introduction of criminal liability of legal persons in connection with the consideration of the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation of the Federal Law draft ¹ 750443-6 “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation in connection with the introduction of criminal liability of legal persons” is pointed out. The author analyzes the basic provisions of international treaties relating to the criminal liability of legal persons, including: the fixation of the list of offenses for which it is possible to establish criminal liability of legal persons; an indication of the specific circumstances that allow a legal entity to consider subject to criminal liability or to determine that a crime is committed by a legal person (with its participation); identification of approaches to establishment of guilt of a legal entity; a list of penalties (sanctions), which can be subjected to legal persons; the requirement of application to the legal persons, subject to criminally prosecution of effective, proportionate and dissuasive sanctions, including monetary sanctions; as well as the statement that the prosecution of the legal entity should not cause "damage to the criminal liability of individuals having committed the crime."


international treaties, criminal liability of legal persons, the objective due to the introduction of criminal liability of legal persons, the legal entity as the subject of the offense, the legal person as the subject of criminal prosecution.

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