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Administrative and municipal law

Teryukov E.O. On some peculiarities of administrative investigation of administrative offences in the sphere of town building

Abstract: The author studies the difficulties of administrative investigation use which, in the author’s opinion, consist in the fact that certain norms of the Federal Law # 294 “On the protection of rights of legal persons and entrepreneurs during state and municipal review” and the Code of Administrative Offences of the Russian Federation are practically equal and cause a certain resemblance of the reasons for organization of an unplanned inspection and administrative investigation causing the preference of one of them depending on the decision of a controlling unit  in each particular case. The author uses a complex approach of dialectical materialism, the systems analysis and the normative-legal method. The subject of the research is a normative-legal regulation of administrative investigation in administrative procedure in the sphere of town building. The author supposes that a more precise legislative decision about delimitation of the procedures of an unplanned inspection and administrative investigation could promote the optimization of legal regulation of supervisory activity, strengthening of law and order and decrease of corruption in the activities of controlling units. 


administrative investigation, unplanned inspection, administrative liability, town building, offences in the sphere of town building, Administrative investigation, controlling units, supervisory activities, administrative offence, legitimate interests

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