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Administrative and municipal law

Admiralova I.A. Administrative-jurisdictional policing in provision of rights and freedoms of citizens

Abstract: The subject of the article is a range of legal and organizational problems of police activity in the sphere of implementation of the legislation on administrative offences. The object of this article includes public relations arising during the exercise of administrative jurisdiction by the police. The author considers the problem of provision of rights and freedoms of citizens in the respective sphere of activity, draws attention to the problems of use of coercive measures against citizens. Special attention is paid to the provision of rights and freedoms of citizens in the police proceedings on administrative offences.The methodology of the research contains the recent achievements of epistemology. The author uses general philosophical, theoretical methods (dialectics, the systems method, analysis, synthesis, analogy, deduction, observation), traditional legal methods and the methods used in special sociological research.The author proposes the ways of improvement of organization and implementation of the administrative-jurisdictional policing, especially in the provision of rights and freedoms of citizens. The specific contribution of the author consists in proving of the necessity to suspend the registration of administrative offences automatically, at least while there are technical malfunctions. The novelty of the research consists in the fact that the author proposes to extend the practice of sentencing below the minimum limit, it will meet the principle of humanism.


coercion, control, police, officer, complaint, protocol, stage, process, jurisdiction, responsibility

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