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Politics and Society

Napso M.D. Adaptation of Migrants to the Conditions of the Host Party

Abstract: The object of consideration in the present article is migration, and the subject are the specific features of migrants entering a new social and cultural context. The author examines some peculiarities of the integration of foreigners, and also traces controversy and complexity of the adaptation processes, and their dependance on different kinds of reasons. Special attention is paid to the reasons of socioeconomic and cultural nature. The author justifies the conclusion regarding the need for further research in this area due to its incompleteness, as well as for the use of interdisciplinary approaches. Methodological tools of analysis used in the article are historical, systems, dialectic approaches, as well as examining the problem in all its controversy and to a full extent. The academic novelty of the research lies in justification of a concept regarding the dependence of migration processes on the peculiarities of the host society and its typical development trends. The content of the article allows the author to draw the following theses: 1) the problems of integration of migrants into a new social context are to be systematically and comprehensively studied; 2) special attention should be paid to the account of national and demographic situation in the host society. 


migrantophobia, enclave residing, host society, adaptation, integration, clan system, diaspora, labour migration, illegal migration, migration

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