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Politics and Society

Karpovich O.G. Strategic Partnership Between Russia and India in the Context of the Global Political Process

Abstract: This article is devoted to the study of the current state and prospects of the development of strategic cooperation between Russia and India under the crisis of the unipolar world, worsening international situation in relation to the Ukrainian crisis, chaos in international relations and the threat of colour revolutions. The object of the research are the foreign policies of India and Russia in the modern world, the subject - the Russian-Indian relations at the present stage. The purpose of research is to define the basic forms and directions of the strategic partnership between Russia and India in the context of the global political process. The research is based on the understanding that India today is one of the largest strategic partners of Russia in Asia-Pacific, West and South Asia. Methodological basis of the present study are systemic, structural-functional, comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, observation, modelling. The strategic partnership between Russia and India today is characterised by high dynamics and is developing quite rapidly. Russia and India are traditionally united by a common sense of responsibility for international security and stability, common approaches to the ways and means of overcoming the global economic crisis, the fight against climate changes and the implementation of global governance. India is a dynamically developing democratic state, an influential regional power with a dynamic economy, more than a billion people and significant scientific and technical, industrial and technological potential. Annual GDP growth in India is nine percent, it grows at a rate comparable to the growth of China's GDP. With this, India is beginning to play a leading role in world politics, but not limited to regional level, and becomes one of the centers of political power in the emerging multipolar world.


values, India, Russia, state, international systems, geopolitics, USA, society, politics, security

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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