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Philosophy and Culture

Chesnokova L.V. Existential Fear and Drive to Abyss: the Concepts of Tiefe and Abgrund in German Culture

Abstract: The subject of the research is the two most important German concepts, the concept of the depth (Tiefe) and the concept of the abyss (Abgrund). These concepts have had the in-depth analysis in most spheres of German culture, language and philosophy. These are ambivalent concepts. On the one hand, the abyss arouses fear in a man, on the other hand, it beckons him. German culture traditionally presents the drive to the abyss both figuratively, i.e. to the depth of creative searches, and literally, to the depth of earth. This drive to the depth that has been reflected in mythology and religion, literature and art, science and industry, is associated with the vertical model of German culture, ups and downs of spirit. The theoretical and methodological basis of the article involves the cultural-philosophical approach which views national culture as the sphere of formation and functioning of concepts. The researcher has used the method of the conceptual analysis (as it was offered by Yu. Stepanov) allowing to define the culturally important features of the described concepts. The scientific novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher has conducted the cultural-philosophical concepts of Tiefe and Abgrund and defined their role for German culture. The researcher has also described the main factors influencing the development of these cultural concepts and demonstrated their crucial role for German culture. 


underworld, Angst (existential fear), Abgrund (abyss), cultural studies, concept of culture, German culture, national mentality, Tiefe (depth), Gothic art, Faustianism

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