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Philosophy and Culture

Deryabin M.L. Body as an Agrammatical Message

Abstract: In his article Deryabin views body as the message rendered at the pre-grammatical level, i.e. the agrammatical message. Discovery of this type of message allows to see human in a new light as an ambivalent creature who combines the natural biological and social beginnings. As a rule, the statement that human has a dual nature takes a research to biological and anatomic features of human. However, by no means these features reveal the essential or conceptual (social) nature of human. The present research discovers the dual nature of human in messages rendered by human body, i.e. through social and communication expressions. The natural (biological) state of human and human body is being viewed as some kind of a message conveying social meanings. These meanings are important and should be understood by both human and his surroundings. Essential features of human body can be discovered when human body demonstates its limits (birth, dead body, sportsman, disabled or Paralympian body). This allows to discover the borders of possible messages from human body. The researcher views different states and transformations of human body as well as their influence on the agrammatical message of body. In his article Deryabin underlines the importance of the environment around human body in the process of creation of an arammatical body message.  The researcher shares his views on the communicative abilities of human body and meanings that human body represents through existence. According to the author, the research of human body as an agrammatical message could lead to the revision of some provisions of such applied sciences as sports economics, Olympic and Paralympic Games. 


agrammatical message, agrammatism, body, physicality, social meaning, sport, Paralympic Games, communication environment, sportsman, disabled person

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