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Philosophy and Culture

Sokol'skaya L.V. Culture-Historical Process and Acculturation

Abstract: In her article Sokolskaya studies the role of acculturation as a form of cross-cultural contact in the historical process. Historical process is defined as a progressive process of the development of culture from the lowest to the highest forms. Historical reality confined in particular spatial and time limits is being studied by the researcher as a complex structural integrity determined by the interaction of the variety of cultural phenomena and processes. Providing that the process of the development and functioning of culture of any community is the interaction of cultural achievements with cultural elements of other nations than acculturation is the trigger of cultural sustainability and self-development. In her research Sokolskaya has applied general and specific scientific methods such as analysis and synthesis, comparative, structure-functional, historical, systems and synergetic methods. According to the researcher, the cross-cultural communication of different societies and communities is in fact unlimited. It can unfold as a neverending development and creation of new meanings in the mind of everyone who gets in contact with a representative of this or that cultural community. Based on the results of the research, the author of the article concludes that acculturation is a durable cross-cultural interaction of different societies when cultural systems take each other's features, become somewhat 'alike' and create a new integrity with absolutely new features. 


culture-historical process, cross-cultural contacts, acculturation, cultural interaction, assimilation, separation, marginalization, integration, culture, culture of a community

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