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Financial Law and Management

Petrova T.A. Measures of Administrative Enforcement Applied by Internal Affairs Bodies

Abstract: State coercion plays one of the most important roles in the process of law and order enforcement. Administrative enforcement is a type of state coercion. Used as an affective mean against offenders of the established code of behavio, administrative enforcement is more often, compared to criminal enforcement, applied by many state authorities on an everyday basis including internal affairs agenies during public order maintenance. Measures of administrative enforcement are quite diverse and sometimes applied not only to punish defenders. In the process of writing this article the following research methods have been used: hermeneutical approach, systems approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law method and other methods that are usually used in legal research. The author of the article describes administrative coercive measures, their distinctive features and differences from other measures of state coercion, offers a classification these measures and touches upon the grounds and peculiarities of their use by police. The author underlines that the legal features as well as the list of administrative coercive measures are constantly improving due to the development of the scope of their application and complication of social relations nowadays. Therefore, administrative coercive measures fixed by the existing legislation of the Russian Federation may be extended as and when necessary. 


legal provisions, measures, administrative, coercion, enforcement, law enforcement bodies, prevention, suppression, application, legislation, offender

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