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Financial Law and Management

Lapina M.A., Karpukhin D.V. Application of Measures of State Coercion as an Independent Type of Administrative and Jurisdictional Proceedings

Abstract: The last decade was marked by the rapid development of the financial and real sectors of the Russian economy. This fact led to the development of administrative and legal regulation of industry, agriculture, finance, banking and securities market. While forming a legal space of interaction of subjects of these spheres of life the government greatly expanded the segment of administrative-preventive, administrative-preclusive and administrative-punitive measures of administrative coercion. Recent measures are concentrated on various regulations such as laws and subordinate acts and are applied through out-of-court or in-court procedures which causes numerous difficulties in the doctrinal justification of a particular place of administrative proceedings in the system of administrative process. The present article is devoted to analysis of mentioned problems. In the process of writing this article the following research methods have been used: hermeneutical approach, systems approach, methods of analysis and synthesis, induction and deduction, comparative law method and other methods that are usually used in legal research. The authors of the article conclude that along with other administrative and jurisdictional proceedings such as complaint management, disciplinary and administrative proceedings there is an independent type of administrative and jurisdictional proceeding on application of state coercive measures conducted by executive authorities on an extrajudicial basis. 


entity, administrative jurisdiction, measures of administrative coercion, executive authorities, subjects of administrative jurisdiction, administrative process, state coercion, extrajudicial procedure, administrative law, administrative proceedings

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