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Financial Law and Management

Truntsevskiy Yu.V. Classification of Enforcement Measures in Criminal Law

Abstract: In his article Truntsevsky defined the concept of measures of criminal law and offered his classification of enforcement measures in criminal law. Depending on the common goals of criminal law activity, the measures have been divided into the following groups: measures of crime prevention and suppression and measures of execution of criminal liability. Depending on the nature of criminal law activity, all the measures stated in the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation have been divided into: measures of crime prevention, precime mesures, reconstructive measures and corrective measures (penalty (punishment) and probation); measures of execution of criminal liability; measures of single non-rehabilitating decriminilization and therapeutic intervention. In the process of writing this article Truntsevsky has used the following research methods: hermeneutical and systems approaches, methods of synthesis and analysis, induction and deduction, comparative law method and other methods that are usually used in legal research. The results of the analysis of criminal legislation regulating the mechanism of criminal law enforcement applied to participants of social relations have allowed to provide a definition of the concept of 'enforcement measures of criminal law' as legally fixed forms and means of special activity performed by the government, society and particular citizens for the purpose of achieving both the common goals of crime combating (prevention, suppression of crime, minimization and/or elimination of crime consequences) and individual goals of each group of enforcement measures. 


combating crime, criminal legislation, suppression of crime, crime prevention, probation, punishment, criminal responsibility, criminal law, Criminal Code, coercive measures

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