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Financial Law and Management

Eskindarov M.A. Systematization of Measures of State Coercion as a Factor of Sustainable Development of Financial and Economic Activity

Abstract: In his article Eskindarov discusses the rules of different branches of law that govern public relations in the financial and economic sphere. Nowadays Russian legislation that governs financial and economic relations faced the situation when a significant amount of measures of state coercion that are applied to economic entities are spread out in the industry regulations and this causes many difficulties in the law enforcement. Russia's economy has been undergoing hard times in recent years. The dramatically changed world 's geopolitical situation after Crimea joined Russia, sanctions regime that followed it, falling of oil prices, and increased volatility in rates of major world currencies determined the increased role of the state in ensuring the stability of the country, preventing and overcoming the crisis. A special role in overcoming these negative tendencies is assigned to small and medium-sized businesses. In the process of writing this article the following methods were used: deduction and induction, systems approach, problem analysis and synthesis. Legal regulation in this sphere should be subjected to the systems analysis, and the uniform criteria for the unification of the measures of state coercion should be determined. This will allow to improve the administrative and legal legislation, to implement the measures of state coercion in the financial and economic sphere, and would make the legislation more effective and comprehensible for all the participants of financial and economic activity. 


administrative punishment, measures of state coercion, wrongful act, economic sanctions, offence, violation of law, business, entrepreneurship, business entities, economic entities, financial and economic sphere, unification, systematization

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
1. Lapina M.A., Karpukhin D.V. Protsessual'no-pravovye aspekty primeneniya byudzhetnykh mer prinuzhdeniya // NB: Finansovoe pravo i upravlenie. — 2014.-№ 2.-S.28-45