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Politics and Society

Parygin S.N. Legal Issues of Property Nationalisation in the Republic of Crimea

Abstract: Inclusion of the Republic of Crimea and the federal city of Sevastopol as federal subjects of the Russian Federation is an unprecedented phenomenon for Russian civil legislation. The subject of the present research is the issue of the legal regime of property that belongs to another state - Ukraine, that is presently located on the Russian territory. The goal of the study is to search for the best ways to fill the gaps in the Russian legislation in the field of the nationalisation procedure. The continuous lack of a nationalisation law stipulated the elaboration of many corresponding bills. The review of those is also a goal of the author of the present article. The issue of the valuation of property to be nationalised has been considered. The methodological basis of the research are dialectic, historical, logical, system-structural and concrete sociological approaches. Special scientific methods, such as formal legal, comparative legal, etc. are widely used in the study. The academic novelty of the research is defined by the original analysis of the opinions of civil law scholars, established Russian civil legislation, as well as the drafts of legislative acts in the studied area. The author expresses his evaluation of the existing ideas regarding the changes in the legislation in the mentioned field. The author suggests adopting a framework federal law that would in detail regulate the nationalisation procedure; he also specifies the range of things that cannot be objects of nationalisation. The issue of valuation of the nationalised property has been considered in an innovative way. 


the value of nationalised property, forms of alienation of property, property of foreign residents, property of the Russian Federation, nationalisation object valuation, nationalization object, nationalisation, Republic of Crimea, framework federal laws, confiscation

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