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Politics and Society

Kirka A.V. The Question of Structure of Social Network Communications

Abstract: The subject of the study is the structure of social network communications within the framework of modern social network web-services and related information resources. The article considers the factors that influence network information exchange, compatibility of programming interfaces of applications that unify the process of information transactions between program platforms of different types. Classifications and types of network communications have been considered. The article examines the process of establishment of network communications and development of the Internet, as well as its impact on social communications. The author considers political significance of network communication. The methodology of the study is based on systems and comparative approaches, methods of analysis, synthesis, induction, deduction, modelling, as well as informational-political approach. In course of the research the author outlines the classification of modern social network web-services, based on functional characteristics which are supposed to be in four types of modern social network communications: discourse, content generating, resources accumulating and organisational coordinating social network communications. The author gives a definition of each of the types of social network communications, reveals their main essential characteristics and possible directions of their display in social-political sphere. The classification suggested by the author can be used as a structural component of the research tools for the empirical studies of the peculiarities of display and influential impact of modern social network communications on political process. 


political communication, Internet, social networks, social network communication, web-service, social life, focus on customer, influential impact, social-political sphere, political process

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