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Politics and Society

Nemtsev I.A. Ecological Function of the State in the Sustainable Development Concept

Abstract: The article considers the ecological problems of the member states of the Eurasian Union as a part of global problems, their reasons and negative consequences. The author comments on the existing contradictions between the opportunities of nature at the global scale and excessive needs of mankind existing in the unsustainable development model. At the moment this contradiction is only growing, despite the efforts of the UN and other international and national organisations worldwide to provide the rejection of the consumption ideology and re-orient the mankind to the preservation of the environment (co-evolution of humans and nature). It has been concluded that the problems faced by the international community cannot be solved by only one state, that is why globalisation and transition to a new, safer way of development serves as a necessity to create the future in the modern world. The article demonstrates the relevance of the idea and concept of sustainable development as a safer way of development aimed at the solution of the global problems of mankind. Methodologically the research is based on social and philosophical methods and principles of scientific knowledge. The author applies such general scientific methods as comparison, abstraction, idealisation, modelling, analysis, synthesis, etc. The desired goal is reached based on the assumptions about the mankind as a global interconnected and self-developing system (global evolutionism), as well as the principle of the universal interconnection of developments, the development principle, etc. The analysis and solution of the studied problems are conducted based on the general scientific research approaches. The studied problems are solved based on the assumptions and conclusions in the corresponding field mentioned in the works of modern Russian and foreign authors, researches and philosophers. Moreover, the author also uses the data of some sociological and statistical researches, parts of legislative acts, as well as the speeches of the public officials of the states of the planned Eurasian Union. The author considers the beginning Eurasian integration through the lens of sustainable development, when the common efforts of the Eurasian countries will solve both global and regional and local problems (in particular, Russia's prospects to improve the Eurasian ecological environment are considered). The article analyses the ecological function of the state and the opportunities for ecological monitoring. The author suggests and justifies the option of transition to the sustainable development (for Russia) from the perspective of the ecological component of sustainable development. The article reveals the opportunities for sustainable development in the context of solving ecological problems and prospects of a more systematic interpretation of the sustainable development concept. 


sustainable development, functions of state, ecology, state, globalisation, global problems, global evolutionism, Eurasian integration, Eurasian Union, global processes

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