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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Bogoluybov S. A. Study of Foreign and International Environmental Law for the Purpose of Scientific Support of Lawmaking

Abstract: Scientific support of legislative and law enforcement activity involves a comparative legal analysis of international law and international acts. This task which is assigned to the Institute of legislation and comparative law under the Government of the Russian Federation is actively and continuously provided by the departments and employees in the field of nature use and environmental protection, where foreign legal experience of economic activity regulation, balance of public and private interests, the separation of powers of the state and its parts, state and municipal authorities, competition of public initiatives in the field of ecology seems to be quite instructive. Forms of research are the publication of monographs, collections of articles, commentaries of the laws, analysis and synthesis of views expressed during scientific conferences, with the participation of international colleagues. The results of the research is the implementation of institutions and terms of foreign and international environmental law in national legislation, such as strategic environmental assessment, statements and claims about environmental pollution, promotion of public, industrial and municipal control, dissemination and use of environmental information; foreign partners will learn about Russian traditions of natural resources, public stay in the forests and water protection zones, attitude to the protection of national nature and its resources, the cooperation of the population and authorities.


environment, scientific support of lawmaking and law enforcement.

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