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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Airapetyan Y.V. Appeal of Judicial Acts and Procedural Guarantees of Accessibility of Justice of Civil Cases in Appellate Instance of Republic of Armenia

Abstract: In this article the author examines in detail such aspects as the legal nature, the procedure for appealing of the judicial acts, as well as the volume of procedural guarantees of accessibility of justice of civil cases in appellate instance of the Republic of Armenia. Great attention is given to the problematic aspects of the principle of prohibition of turn for the worse in the domestic science of civil procedural law. A comparative analysis of this concept and phased study of the prerequisites of its existence in civil procedure of RA is made. The article carries a high scientific and practical value, since it is one of the first attempts to study the procedural guarantees of accessibility of justice of civil cases in appellate instance of RA. The main conclusion is that, in civil procedure of RA in appellate instance participants have insufficient procedural guarantees that enable for everyone to freely exercise their right to judicial protection and redress. Among other things, we can say that in the court of appeal in civil procedure of Armenia works principle of the prohibition of turn for the worse, which in turn is one of the many consequences and procedural guarantees of accessibility of justice.


accessibility of justice, appeal proceedings, civil procedure, exclusion principle, guarantees, court, judicial mistakes, Court of Appeal, judicial acts, Code of Civil Procedure.

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