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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Fedchuk V.D. Responsibility of Participants of Group Companies and their Directors in the Modern Italian Law

Abstract: The present article is devoted to the analysis of one of the most significant novella introduced by the Italian Company law Reform of 2004, namely, the norms governing the responsibility of controlling persons (companies and their directors) for damages caused to shareholders and creditors in the process of implementation of the control functions. The leading role in this issue played two concepts – the concept of "management and coordination" and the concept of "competitive advantages" which was used by the reform as a basis for regulating relations between the affiliated companies. The authors concluded that some elements of the legal regulation of groups of companies in the law of Germany and Italy would be taken into account in the development of Russian civil law.


reform of law of company, group of companies, controlling company, controlled company, dependent companies, unitary direction, group of companies’ interest, conception of management and coordination, conception of competitive advantages, group of companies’ bankruptcy, controlling company’s liability, liability of director.

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