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Journal of Foreign Legislation and Comparative Law

Vasilevich G.A. Active Position of Civil Servants and Citizens – a Major Factor of Prevention of Corruption

Abstract: The present article is a report of author at the IV Eurasian anti-corruption forum. It examines the experience of the Republic of Belarus, the Russian Federation, as well as several foreign countries of corruption prevention. It is noted that a permanent improvement of the legislation is necessary, but it is impossible to focus only on this aspect. Without a change in mindset, paradigm of values and priorities, it is difficult to significantly reduce corruption. Special attention is given by the author to the participation of citizens in the prevention of corruption. In particular, it is noted that the participation of citizens in the discussion of anti-corruption programs will combine public control and will provide the real content of the programs in the areas of countering by the power of knowledge of the citizens of those problems that they usually face. In the end, the author comes to the conclusion that only with the active position of citizens, strengthen control over the work of civil servants, increase of the responsibility of regulatory authorities for negligence in detecting corruption offenses can achieve positive results in the fight against corruption.


corruption, conflict of interest, corruption risks, anti-corruption program, greed, government officials, code of ethics, declaration of income.

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