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Administrative and municipal law

Volkov A.M. Public administration: issues of supervision and control

Abstract: The study focuses on the analysis of particular aspects of public administration as an activity in the sphere of supervision and control; identification of the problems and contradictions of modern administrative law in the sphere of nature management and environmental protection; consideration of the relationship between the concepts of "control" and "supervision", differentiation of these terms according to the subject composition; development of proposals for the optimal resolution of particular problem issues in this area; identification of the need for amendment, changes of the wordings and versions of several articles of the regulations; amending of the regulation on the state environmental supervision.The methodology of the study is based on the analysis of the literature and legal acts, comparison of the wordings of the relevant provisions of laws and regulations, and revelation of contradictions and inconsistencies.In the conclusion the author formulates the new provisions on public administration in the field of supervision and control as an activity of authorized bodies and organizations, mainly, the executive bodies, regulated by normative acts; these organizations provide the observance of the law, have public authorities and act in the public interests. The author offers the ways of optimal solution of particular problem issues, reveals the necessity to amend and change the wordings and the versions of particular normative acts, and to amend the regulation on the state environmental supervision.


powers, nature management, environmental control, state environmental supervision, Executive authorities, Government, public administration, administrative legislation, discrepancies in the legislation, environmental protection

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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here .
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