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International relations

Sychenko E.V. The UN Human Rights Committee's remarks on Russia of March 31, 2015: their legal status and the problem of protection of human rights in Eastern Ukraine

Abstract: The article considers the remarks of the UN Human Rights Committee on the report of the Russian Federation about the fulfillment of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. The Committee noted the positive changes which had taken place in the country since the previous report and formulated the remarks and recommendations to the Russian Federation. Special attention in the paper is paid to the legal position of the Committee about the efficiency of Russian control over the territory of the self-proclaimed republics of Eastern Ukraine and to the conclusion about the necessity of the efficient realization of the Committee’s considerations in Russia. The study is based on the analysis of the legal provisions of the Human Rights Committee and the foreign literature devoted to the legal status of its provisions. The novelty of the research lies in the fact that this is the first translation and analysis of the remarks of the Committee on the report of the Russian Federation adopted on March 31, 2015. The author enumerates pluses and minuses of the remarks. 


discrimination, freedom of association, independence of judiciary, freedom of expression, international covenant, report, human rights committee, UNO, racism, status of conclusions

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