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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Berezina T.N., Sokolov G.A. Figurative Modeling as a Mean of Improving the Mental State of Students During Exams

Abstract: In the present article Berezina and Sokolov analyze the problem of emotional security of the educational environment, in particular, improvement of the mental state of students during exams. The authors examine the most famous consequences of examination stress such as worsening of academic performance or even psychosomatic disorders. The authors describe the existing methods of increasing examination anxiety including psychorelaxation and behavioral techniques. The subject of the present article is the figurative modeling as a mean of impoving the mental state. The object of the research is the implementation of techniques transforming mental images of the highest order (de-emphasis of the negative image and creation of the positive image) during university exams. The main research method is the quasi-experiment that was carried out in the two groups of respondents, experimental and control groups, each group consisting of 25 people. Based on the analysis of empirical data, the authors demonstrate that the implementation of the figurative modeling techniques during exams decreases the state anxiety, make a student less worried about grades and partially improve his mood. The figurative modeling is viewed as a cognitive method that is aimed at direct work with cognitions (beliefs, expectations, thoughts) and allows to improve the mental state of students by applying the method of image thinking. 


images of the highest order, figurative thinking, figurative modeling, psychological training, cognitive psychology, emotional safety, mental images, examination stress, state anxiety, mental state

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