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Psychology and Psychotechnics

Nilogov A.S. Psychology and Philosophy of Anti-Language (the Analysis of Irina Beskova's Monograph 'The Nature of Dreams'

Abstract: The object of the research is the three-level structure of human offered by the Russian philosopher Irina Beskova in her book 'The Nature of Dreams'. The subject of the research is the representation of the conscious, subconsious and unconscious experience ranged from the point of view of the hypothesis of the 'anthropological border' and their conceptualization in associated information units. In his article Nilogov examines such aspects as individual objective reality, individual language, status of human-existence, suggestion and language of dreams. Special attention is paid to the ontological status language and antilanguage units that represent sensory channels of obtaining information. In his research Nilogov has the following research methods: problem method, analogy, hermeneutical method, antilanguage method (discovery of classes of antiwords), comparison, sythesis, analysis, conceptualization, reconstruction and interviewing.  The novelty of the research is caused by the fact that the researcher uses the antilanguage methodology to verbalize information coming from many systems and subsystems of human (sensory organs) in the form of special classes that code signals by the means of antiwords. The researcher reconstructs antilanguage aspects and provisions described by a number of researchers which provides enough grounds to substantiate a new philosophical and linguistic method.   


dreamlike experience, class of antiword, suggestion, individual objective reality, unconscious, philosophy of antilanguage, Beskova, antilanguage methodology, anthropological border, language of dreams

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