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Law and Politics

Kozhevnikov O.A. Debatable questions of upholding the Constitution of the Russian Federation in law enforcement and judicial practice on protection of competition

Abstract: The subject of this research is the current law enforcement and judicial practice in antimonopoly cases, in the process of which the government authorities do not fully adhere to the norms of the legislation with regards to upholding various procedures for establishing a dominant businesses position on the market. Despite the requirements on mandatory adherence to the principle of lawfulness in the work of the branches of public authority, the said practice is also being “strengthened” by the legal precedent, which does not contribute to establishing constitutional legal foundation within the economic sphere. The main result of this research is the attempt to shed light on the cases of non-compliance by courts and authorities with the part 2 of Article 15 of the Russian Constitution, which in turn represent the constitutional guarantees of protection of economic rights of the citizens and businesses from non-adherence by the branches of government with the constitution of the Russian Federation and other normative acts. The practice of “ignoring” the positions of this legislation in the work of public authority contributes to rejection of the supremacy of the Constitution of the Russian Federation.


constitutional court of the Russian Federation, legislation of the Russian Federation, legal precedent, economic rights, dominant position, protection of competition, Constitution of the Russian Federation, court of arbitration, antimonopoly authority, administrative regulations

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