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History magazine - researches
Korolev S.A. (2015). Phenomenon of pseudomorphosis: an attempt of reinterpretation. History magazine - researches, 1, 36–46.
Korolev S.A. Phenomenon of pseudomorphosis: an attempt of reinterpretationAbstract: The article discusses the possibilities and prerequisites for the re-actualisation of the concept of pseudomorphosis under contemporary conditions. The reference point in the author’s research is the conceptualisation by Oswald Spengler. The author defines pseudomorphosis not only as a global historical shift, a turning point in the development of a society, but also considers pseudomorphosism as a sort of defining characteristic, a quality inherent to the process of historical development, and defined by the significant role of the pseudomorphosis phenomenon in the history of one or another macro-culture. Based on the fact that the main instrument of any scientific research is its conceptual framework, the author describes the basic concepts used in the context of the pseudomorphic development theory of Russia: pseudomorphosis, reception, inversion; in addition, the author introduces the concept of local pseudomorphic space. The novelty of the author’s approach stems from regarding pseudomorphosis not only as a specific historical phenomenon, but also as a type of development inherent in some countries, including in Russia. This implies a broader understanding of this phenomenon than was prescribed by Spengler. The author draws attention to the issue of the reception of socio-cultural content during the process of pseudomorphosis, which can be borrowed incompletely, selectively, partially. Finally, the proposed conceptualisation involves the understanding of the mechanisms of pseudomorphic development, in particular, the phenomenon of inversion and “revenge” of the repressed autochthonous content. Keywords: Spengler, Christianisation, politics, culture, inversion, reception, pseudomorphosis, history, Florovsky, Tsymbursky
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This article written in Russian. You can find original text of the article here . References
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