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National Security

Lushchik A.A. Directions of state provision of the population with affordable and safe food in accordance with rational norms of consumption

Abstract: The subject of this research is the organizational and economic ways of providing population with affordable and safe food. The author gives a detailed review to such issues as food manufacturing, structuring and distribution of food resources, and public food consumption. A special attention is given to the assessment of effectiveness of the actions of branches of executive government at a regional level, including solving the issues of providing the population with affordable and safe food, as well as determination of new strategies and measures to solve the problem of food safety. The author develops a forecast of the demand of the population of Irkutsk Oblast for 11 types of food products in accordance with the rational norms of its consumption for the period of 2016-2020, and proposes a model of forecast-based provision of the population with the main types of food with consideration of human medical (physiological) requirements for energy and nutrition.


agricultural complex, strategy, state, safety, modeling, forcast, region, economy, population, food

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