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Administrative and municipal law

Vinokurov A.Yu. On some issues of legal regulation of public prosecutor’s office bodies of the CIS member-states in the sphere of administrative prosecution

Abstract: The subject of the research covers the peculiarities of legal regulation of the activities of public prosecutor’s office bodies of the CIS member-states in the sphere of administrative prosecution. This paper is the first stage of a comparative-legal study and is devoted to the analysis of the provisions of status legislative acts of the countries of the post-Soviet space (except for the Baltic states), regulating the issues of organization and activity of the public prosecutor’s office bodies and the model law on the public prosecutor’s office. The author emphasizes the provisions which are similar for the public prosecutor’s offices of different countries and outlines the distinct features of a public prosecutor’s office of each country. The methodology of the research is based on the comparative-legal and partially on the historical method which allow the author to reveal the similarities and differences in realization of administrative prosecution functions by the public prosecutor’s offices of different countries of the CIS. The author carries out the comparative-legal analysis of the provisions of laws on public prosecutor’s office of the CIS countries in the area of consolidatioin of the prosecutors’ responsibilities in the sphere of administrative offences revelation. The author concludes that the prosecutors in the CIS member-states have similar and unique responsibilities in the sphere of administrative prosecution depending on a model of public prosecutor’s office development of each country.


involvement in the process, decision, administrative prosecution, administrative offence, administrative proceeding, administrative and jurisdictional process

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