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Administrative and municipal law

Kolesnikov Yu.A. State audit of efficiency of on-budget expenditures: legal regulation and ways of enhancement

Abstract: In the present article the author examines the concept and purpose of audit of efficiency of on-budget expenditures, emphasizing the importance of this institution in modern economic conditions. Kolesnikov Y. A. agrees with a number of authors about the increasing role and potential of audit as a form of financial control, proposing to relate the concept of audit of efficiency of budget expenditures with the responsibility for inefficient use of budgetary funds. To this end, the author highlights the system of criteria of efficiency of government budget expenditures.The author uses the theoretical and special scientific methods of cognition: analysis, synthesis, the logical and dialectical methods, the method of comparative law, the method of expert evaluations. Generalizations and conclusions have been made. In the research process, the author states the need for development of the uniform criteria for assessment of the effectiveness of the audit of budgetary funds, as well as their allocation at the legislative level. He also focuses on the need for changes of the role of audit of efficiency of budgetary funds from an expert-analytical to a controlling one, and therefore at the end of the article the author proposes a number of legislative initiatives.


budget expenses, State audit, criteria, financial control, audit, management, efficiency, budgetary funds, the role of audit, legislative initiatives

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