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Law and Politics

Shamsutdinov M.M. Regulation of the measures of the criminal-procedural compulsion in the new Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan: comparative legal analysis

Abstract: The article attempts to reveal the main novelties in the regulation of measures in criminal-procedural compulsion using the norms of the Criminal Procedure Code of the Republic of Kazakhstan (CPCRK) effective January 1, 2015 in the context of the need to study foreign experience in devising prospective vectors for improving the institution of the measures of criminal-procedural compulsion in the modern criminal procedure of the Russian Federation. Prior to January 1st of 2015, the Republic of Kazakhstan used the Criminal Procedure Code of 1997, which with the exception of a few specific norms represented the continuation of the traditions of the Soviet criminal procedure. A significant step towards reform of the institution of measures of criminal-procedural compulsion in Kazakhstan was made in 2014 due to introduction of the new Criminal Procedure Code, which borrowed from the experience of various countries, including Russia. Regulation of this institution in Kazakhstan is very detailed, but in many cases controversial. As a result of the conducted research, the author formulates positions that would allow adopting the norms of the CPCRK in Russia after being critically reworked.


House arrest, bail, preventive measure, detention of a suspect, measures of procedural compulsion, comparative legal method, custody, delivery, Criminal Procedure Code of Kazakhstan, criminal proceedings

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