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Philosophy and Culture

Starostin K.M. Philosophical Aspects of Establishing Nanoscience

Abstract: The present article presents an attempt to perform a philosophical analysis of some aspects of establishing nanotechnology, young and actively developing sphere of scientific knowledge. In his article Starostin examines Richard Feynman's lecture of 1959 that is believed to be the first introduction of nanoscience. Special attention is paid to the personal qualities of Richard Feynman and associative relations related to the development of his philosophy that were probably reflected in his factual and personal experience. The author of the article has analyzed some historical events prior to that historical moment as well as the cultural, social and political environment of the 50th that created grounds for the development of nanotechnology. The author also attempts to define the internal logic of the development of rapidly growing interest towards the nanosphere. In his research Starostin has used the historical method involving the analysis and comparison of different documented events of the past. The methodology of the present research, in particular, the author's approach to the interpretation of historical facts, is closely related to the philosopho-methodological concept that takes into account the 'external' and 'internal' history of science. Such an approach allows to carry out a summarized rational reconstruction of the process of growth and development of scientific knowledge. The question what caused such a rapid exponential increase of scientific interest towards nano-sized objects and phenomena and nano-scaled technology has been undoubtedly a great interest for representatives of both philosophy and history of science since the very moment when it became clear for the scientific community. Nevertheless, so far the philosophical interpretation of the history of nano-technology in terms of the immanent logic of scientific knowledge and socio-historical and culture-historical grounds of the development of scientific knowledge has been understudied. 


philosophy of science, history of science, nanotechnology, nanoscience, growth of scientific knowledge, development of scientific knowledge, internal history, immanent logic of cognition, external history, rational reconstruction

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