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Law and Politics

Yarovenko V.V. On the criminal liability according to the article 181 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation

Abstract: The author conducts a detailed review of the violation of rules of manufacturing and use of the government hallmark amongst crimes of illegal trade of precious metals, natural precious gems and pearls. The article 181 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (CCRF) protects the legal order of hallmark supervision in order to ensure the legal interests of the country and its citizens in the area of trade of jewelry and other objects with precious metals bearing the hallmark. A special attention is given to the fake hallmark and its imprint on jewelry. The law addresses only the acts of forgery of the hallmark as a material object. The author justifies the proposal to exclude the article 181 from the CCRF. The punishment for these acts can be ensured by the Code of the Russian Federation on Administrative Offenses, which establishes the liability for various actions that differ from crimes by the level of public threat.


jewelry, objects, imprint of hallmark, hallmark, precious gems, precious metals, crime, values, trade, examination

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