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Law and Politics

Kokotova D.A. Analysis of the practice of amnesty in the Russian Federation in terms of existence or absence of the intent to correct the defects in the application of criminal law

Abstract: This article is dedicated to the amnesty as it is, rather than as it should be according to law or theory. The subject of this research is the aim of the amnesties given by the Supreme Council of the Russian Federation and the State Duma of the Federal Assembly of the Russian Federation throughout the existence of the Russian Federation. The purpose of this article is to verify the presumptions that the amnesties given over the period of the existence of the Russian Federation lacked the intent to correct the flaws in implementation of criminal law. The result of this work is the confirmation by our own empirical data of the validity of the proposed presumption on the lack of the intent to correct the flaws in implementation of criminal law in the Russian amnesties. The author’s contribution consists in creation of the research blueprint that can be used to research amnesties given in other periods of time, and in other countries (providing that there are no obstacles for such use due to specificity of a country or the timeframe).


facts established by law enforcement, point of the enactment, consideration of the position of law enforcement, enactment of amnesty, correction, application of criminal law, intent of amnesties, amnesty, law enforcement measures, confirmation of validity

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