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Philology: scientific researches

Lyashenko V.V. Love: From Word Etymology to Psychological Conception

Abstract: The article presents a semantic analysis of the concept "love". The well-known Saussurean model of the linguistic sign, on which modern semiotics is based, recognizes a word as an integral structure formed by a ‘signifier’ and ‘signified’. In other words, the 'signified' is meaningless without the ‘signifier’ and does not exist apart from it. Benveniste defines 'signifier' as 'the phonic translation of a concept' and thus argues that the sound image of the word is neither accidental nor arbitrary. Following the systems approach, the author has used the following methods in his research: hypothetico-deductive method and analysis of lexicological sources. The novelty of the author's approach is caused by the fact that for the first time in the academic literature the psychological phenomenon is viewed from the point of view of its relation to the denoting term which plays a very important role for the development of intersubject communications and extends the methodologies of psychology. Using the principle of inseparable connection between the ‘signifier’ and ‘signified’, the author analyzes semantic parallels of the word 'love' in Indo-European languages. The article argues that love is active, creative, and connective by nature. 


the function of the Soul, love, desire, thirst, sacrifice, existence, expectance, loneliness, existence together, establishment of relations

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