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Politics and Society
Napso M.D. (2015). The Risks of Migration. Politics and Society, 4, 506–513.
Napso M.D. The Risks of MigrationAbstract: The object of research in the present article is migration, while the risks arising during migrational processes act as its subject. The author considers risks of labour migration and complexities of adaptation of migrants to the host conditions. The focus is made on the consideration of economic, ethnic, emotional and psychological factors, as well as revealing of the cause-and-effect relationships making migration a riscogenic process. The conclusion about the general insufficient status of the problem and risk factors is justified, among other things, by sociological and sociophilosophical knowledge. The methodological tool is comprised by dialectic and system approaches. Scientific novelty involves the justification of the thesis regarding the dependence of the character of migration on social and cultural features of hosting society. The basic results of the conducted analysis are as follows: 1) the risk problem requires further research by modern social and humanitarian sciences, especially by the sociology of migration; 2) particular consideration should be given to the specificity of integration of migrants into the social context and determination of main trends and patterns which contribute to the successful adaptation of foreigners. Keywords: phobia, enclave, illegal migration, labour migration, integration, adaptation, risk, migration, clan system, discrimination
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