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Politics and Society
Rekeda S.V. (2015). Historical Comparative Study of the Economic Aspects of Cooperation between Russia and Lithuanian Republic in 1917-1922 and 1988-1991. Politics and Society, 4, 483–494.
Rekeda S.V. Historical Comparative Study of the Economic Aspects of Cooperation between Russia and Lithuanian Republic in 1917-1922 and 1988-1991.Abstract: In the article the author in detail analyses the economic aspect of Russian-Lithuanian cooperation during the period of formation of independent Lithuanian Republic in the beginning of the 20th century, as well as its secession from the USSR on the cusp of 1980-1990s. The research objective has been to determine some intrinsic economic interdependencies between Lithuania and Russia, which emerged both in the beginning and in the end of the 20th century under different political and historical conditions. A separate important objective was to ascertain the consequences that arise for Lithuania under the politically motivated re-orientation of the economic model of the Republic from East to West. In the basis of the present article lies the historical comparative method of examination of the two periods of relations between Lithuania and Russia. As a result of the reseach, the author draws a conclusion that, despite all the differences of the two studied periods of Lithuanian-Russian relations, they have something essential in common: during these historical periods in Lithuania political forces came to power, that did not regard Russia as a strategic economic partner, which condemned Lithuania to reorganisation of its economy accompanied by economic stagnation, either in the beginning and in the end of the 20th century. Keywords: Joffe, Council of Lithuania, Russian-Lithuanian relations, USSR, Gorbachev, perestroika, economic reform, Lithuanian Soviet Republic, Tarazevich, Sajudis
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